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PSA Automations and AI for MSPs

Save technicians time and sanity while creating service experiences that feel like magic.


PSA Automations for all the boring stuff


Magic Title clarifies the request to get better titles

Auto-categorize your threads and save time

Auto-Prioritize so you never miss an important request.

Error-Free, Pain-Free Time Entries

Every request is summarized into invoice-friendly formats while tracking every minute the tech spends on the request.


Auto-recap and summary speed up escalation transitions

Everything that has happened in a thread, fully-customized to your requirements, ensure handoffs happen efficiently and accurately.

AI chat for busy techs

Chat with Magic is a technician-facing conversational AI that is familiar with every detail of the current thread and can summarize, rephrase, confirm details, and even craft customer-facing responses.


Real-time sync with your PSA

Never refresh again. Thread always has the most up-to-date detail and customer responses so every interaction is logged according to process.

Agentic AI for MSPs is here.

Resolve issues in half the time with Magic Agents, a conversational AI trained to gather all the information necessary via chat, email, Teams, Slack, or desktop app.



Frequently Asked Questions



Dedicated Team; Clear ROI

"Thread is exactly the kind of partner MSPs need. The time and collaboration they put into our onboarding to ensure we were successful is unmatched. I believe that most MSPs should see ROI in 2 hours or less of go-live."


Ryan Huneidi - Founder CTO Huneidi Services

Get started with Thread today.

Unlock an unfair advantage for your business with PSA automation and AI for MSPs.